Common foot and ankle conditions
Ankle Sprains
Painful Ankle inversion injury tearing the Lateral Ligaments of the Ankle.
Lateral Ligament Instability
Recurrent instability and pain following an ankle sprain.
Ankle Impingement
Ankle stiffness and pain due to soft tissue or bone which restricts ankle movement.
Syndesmotic Instability
High Ankle sprain causing pain and functional limitiation
Ankle Arthritis
Ankle Pain and Stiffness due to loss of the cartilage lining of the Joint.
Ankle Cartilage injuries
Tears involving the cartilage lining of the Ankle joint, causing inflammation and pain.
Achilles Tendon Rupture
Tear of the Achilles tendon following sudden strain with complete gap in tendon causing functional…
Tibialis Posterior Tendinopathy
Painful tendon condition on the inner side of the foot and ankle associated with a…
Hallux Valgus (Bunions)
Deformity and painful prominence of the Big Toe.
Big Toe Arthritis (Hallux Rigidus)
Arthritis of the joint at the base of the big toe; the most common arthritic…
Plantar Fasciitis
A painful heel condition affecting walking and standing
Morton’s Neuroma
Painful Forefoot condition associated with numbness between the 2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th…
Achilles Tendinopathy
Painful Heel and Achilles tendon with difficulty walking and pushing off.
Lis-Franc Injury
Midfoot injury of the supportive Tarso-Metartarsal ligaments in the arch of the foot.
Navicular Stress Fractures
Midfoot pain and activity related pain associated with overuse causing a fracture in the Navicular…
Talus Fractures
Fracture of the Ankle Talus bone.
Ankle Fractures
Ankle Fractures of the tibia and fibula with associated syndesmosis ligament tears.
Pain on the ball of the foot, aggravated with walking.
Claw Toes, Hammer Toes
Deformity of the lesser toes which may cause pain and rubbing on shoes
Diabetic Charcot Feet
Deformity and ulcerations due to Diabetes and loss of sensation in the foot
Cavo-Varus Feet
Foot deformity condition characterised by high arches, claw toes and inversion which can cause pain…
Tarsal Coalitions
Ankle and Hindfoot condition of a connection between bones causing stiffness and pain with or…
Peroneal Tendinopathy
Tendon condition with pain and swelling on the outside of the ankle, often related with…
Midfoot Arthritis
Pain in the midfoot, causing pain with activity, swelling and often pain at rest
Os-trigonum Impingement
Pain in the back of the ankle associated with jumping and impact activities
Subtalar Arthritis
Pain and swelling in the back and sides of the ankle, often worse with activity.
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